Beste Bemesting / Kunsmis vir Vrugtebome – Kynoch Fertilizer
Vrugtebome benodig die regte en voldoende hoeveelhede voedingstowwe om optimal vrugte opbrengs te kan verseker. Om die beste uit jou vrugtebome te kry, kontak gerus vir Kynoch Kunsmis en praat met ‘n konsultant oor die beste kunsmis beskikbaar vir jou spesifieke vrugtebome. Deur jou vrugtebome van die begin af reg te voed, sal dit help om die groei van die boom en vrugte te bevorder, sodat jy die voordele van jou vrugteboomplantasie kan oes.
Kynoch is ‘n top vervaardiger van gewasspesifieke kunsmisprodukte, wat beteken dat jy die beste kunsmis vir jou spesifieke tipe oes sal kry. Daarbenewens word Kynoch se verskeidenheid kunsmis produkte ontwikkel om in spesifieke groeistadiums dei regte voedingstowwe te voorsien. Die boom kry dus die regte voedingstowwe in die groeifase wanneer dit benodig word. Kontak Kynoch Kunsmis vandag vir meer inligting oor ons verskeidenheid kunsmisprodukte, en om die beste kunsmis vir jou vrugtebome te kry.
Our Products
The total collection of products available ensures that our clients can match the nutritional needs of their crops at every growth stage, but also adapt either their overall fertilizer programs or their practices.
Bepaal die voedingswaarde en aanvulling vereistes van jou grond en vrugtebome
Die beste manier om enige nutriënttekorte in jou grond te bepaal, is om ‘n grondontleding te doen. Praat met ‘n ervare landboukundige by Kynoch oor hoe om die korrekte grondmonster te neem en om hulp van ons span te vra met betrekking tot u grondontleding. Grondtoetse toon effektief enige tekortkominge of oorskot van voedingstowwe in die grond, wat dan help om die voedingswaarde-vereistes te bepaal.
Enhanced Efficiency through Innovation
Kynoch’s vision is to be an innovative plant nutrition supplier that complements our clients’ businesses through Yield Enhancing Technologies® and innovation that enhances fertilizer performance. This, as well as a comprehensive range of agronomic services, plant nutrient scheduling® aligned with plant development and growth enhancers, allows us and our clients to manage the growth of their crops optimally.
Researchers work constantly to develop technologies that improve fertilizer performance and efficiency. Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers are fertilizer products that can reduce nutrient losses to the environment while increasing nutrient availability for the crop. These fertilizers can either slow down the release of nutrients for uptake or alter the conversion of nutrients to other forms that may be less prone to losses.
To complete the full range of plant nutrition requirements, other fertilizer materials and enhancers are sourced locally and internationally. As a result, your long-standing innovative plant nutrition partner now brings you Enhanced Efficiency through Innovation.
Our product offering is continuously being updated to ensure we bring you the latest proven technology and enhancers in improving the quality and efficiency of our products and also your crop as you can nurture growth at every stage.
N-hanced-N® Â
Kynoch is the exclusive distributor of the globally proven Agrotain® nitrogen stabiliser supplied by Koch Industries. This Agrotain® technology was the first of many technologies that we adopted to ensure efficiency on the farm. It allowed us to build a new category of N-hanced-N® products which are known as the KynoPlus® range.
KynoPlus® was specifically designed to mitigate the potential volatilisation losses typically associated with urea. This product is beneficial to all farmers but particularly so to no-till farmers faced with large amounts of crop residue on the soil surface. The higher efficiency of KynoPlus® can also reduce transport costs and handling on the farm.
GreenGold®-kunsmis vir jou vrugtebome deur Kynoch
Kynoch het ‘n top bemestingsproduk ontwikkel, naamlik GreenGold®, wat perfek is vir jou vrugtebome. Dit bevat al die noodsaaklike voedingstowwe om optimale groei en kwaliteit produkte te verseker. GreenGold® is ‘n kombinasie kunsmismengsel wat stikstof (N), kalsium (Ca) en Boor (B) bevat, wat daarop gemik is om plantegroei, vrugvorming en kwaliteit van vrugte te verbeter. Vir meer inligting oor ons GreenGold® kunsmis produk, of om enige vrae te stel wat verband hou met u vrugteboom of gewas se kunsmisbehoeftes, praat vandag met ‘n konsultant of landboukundige by Kynoch. Ons sal u help om die beste van u vrugtebome te verkry deur ‘n gespesialiseerde en effektiewe kunsmisproduk te voorsien.
Kontak Kynoch vandag om die beste kunsmis vir vrugtebome te kry
Kynoch is ‘n voorste vervaardiger en verskaffer van kunsmis in Suid-Afrika, wat al baie boere gehelp het om beter gehalte gewasse en verbeterde opbrengs te behaal, deur ‘n effektiewe reeks gewasspesifieke kunsmisprodukte en -advies te verskaf. Kontak die top kunsmisverskaffer vir hulp op jou plaas – praat vandag met ‘n konsultant of landboukundige by Kynoch oor ons kunsmis produkte vir vrugtebome.