Click on our videos below to watch how Kynoch’s enhanced efficiency through innovation has played a major role on farms across South Africa in adding value and improved profitability.

Click on the magazines below to view our success stories.

Success Stories Volume 1
Success Stories Volume 2
Success Stories Volume 3

Click below to listen to our radio ads and interviews

Landbou bou die land add

Agric build the nation add

Nampo Onderhoud met Johan v Biljon - bemesting-slaggate vir die komende seisoen

Nampo Onderhoud met Johan v Biljon - die Kynoch benadering en produkte

Afrikaans Blue Radio Ad

Afrikaans News Top

Afrikaans News voice over Tail

Kynoch verbeterde effektiwiteit vir verhoogde opbrengs

Welcome to our archive folder. Kynoch might be over a 100 years old but our stories remain deeply-rooted in our farming communities.

‘n Nuwe benadering, gekoppel aan ‘n bekende handelsmerk

Met ‘n nuwe benadering, gekoppel aan ‘n ou bekende handelmerk, het Kynoch die afgelope seisoen weer produsente op die plaas…

Announcement regarding KZN footprint increase

The South African fertilizer market and fertilizer industry is undergoing dramatic changes at present. This presents opportunities for…


RECENT SUCCESS KYNOCH FERTILIZER in training initiative to improve access to fertilizers to boost food security and enterprise development among smallholder farmers. AFAP and Kynoch Fertilizer […]

Subsistence to Abundance Project

This project (coördinated by GrainSA) is aimed at assisting the subsistence farmers in the communal areas of Mpumalanga, Kwa Zulu-Natal…

Rainfall expectations – Reënval verwagting -2016/17

Rainfall expectations – Reënval verwagting -2016/17…


Sunesh Bhoola is die Uitvoerende hoof van uLima limited wat deur die gebruik van selfoon-tegnologie kleinskaalse boere bemagtig met…

Voerskenking van Kynoch aan Agri Hertzogville 17 Januarie 2018

Verwoestende veldbrande in Boshof omgewing het ongeveer 70 000 ha weiveld vernietig met eiendom en vee wat ook in die slag gebly het…

Onderhoud met kykNet eNUUS tydens NAMPO 2018

NAMPO-Oesdag – die grootste landboufees in die suidelike halfrond, het vanjaar gefokus op effektiwiteit met tegnologie…

Make the most of your Fertilizer applications – Farmers’ weekly

While many factors affect crop productions results, fertiliser inputs are among the most important. Kynoch’s agricultural advisor for the…

Pasop vir te slim raak

Ons soek dikwels vooruitgang op vreeslike ingewikkelde maniere, terwyl die basiese beginsels nie eers in plek is nie. Kortom: Ons raak…

Click on our videos below to watch how Kynoch’s enhanced efficiency through innovation has played a major role on farms across South Africa in adding value and improved profitability.

Click on the magazines below to view our success stories.

Success Stories Volume 1
Success Stories Volume 2
Success Stories Volume 3

Click below to listen to our radio ads and interviews

Landbou bou die land add

Agric build the nation add

Nampo Onderhoud met Johan v Biljon - bemesting-slaggate vir die komende seisoen

Nampo Onderhoud met Johan v Biljon - die Kynoch benadering en produkte

Afrikaans Blue Radio Ad

Afrikaans News Top

Afrikaans News voice over Tail

Kynoch verbeterde effektiwiteit vir verhoogde opbrengs

Welcome to our archive folder. Kynoch might be over a 100 years old but our stories remain deeply-rooted in our farming communities.