Should You Apply a Foliar or Soil Fertilizer?
28/07/2022Ways to boost plant growth
20/03/2023Why Adequate Plant Nutrition is Crucial for Healthy Growth
One need only look at the high incidence of scurvy, rickets, beriberi and pellagra in the world’s poorest countries to spot the connection between dietary deficiencies and these heart-rending manifestations of human malnutrition. Similarly, a field of wilting and discoloured maize clearly indicates that something essential is missing from the soil. Studies have shown conclusively that numerous elements are crucial for plant nutrition. Consequently, shortfalls can lead to growth anomalies, increased vulnerability to disease, pests and drought, and low yields.
Extreme weather conditions, erosion and pH changes can leave soil lacking nutrients. Animal manure and vegetable compost are rich sources of nutrients and can help overcome such deficiencies in the growing area. However, their composition is random, inconsistent and unknown. These natural solutions can be helpful. But, their overall benefits are no match for those of the precisely formulated granular and liquid commercial fertilizers designed to optimise plant nutrition.
In South Africa, where agricultural productivity is crucial for food security and economic growth, understanding plant nutrition is vital. The country’s diverse soil types, climate, and crop varieties require tailored fertiliser solutions to optimise yields.
In South Africa, where agricultural productivity is crucial for food security and economic growth, understanding plant nutrition is vital. The country’s diverse soil types, climate, and crop varieties require tailored fertiliser solutions to optimise yields.
Fulfilling the Complex Nutritional Requirements of Plants
Although maize, cabbages and potatoes might appear to be relatively simple lifeforms, their physiology is complex. They all depend on access to air, water and selected minerals in their immediate environment. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is plentiful, and irrigation systems can compensate for water shortages during periods of limited rainfall. However, fertilisers remain the only effective way to ensure the required balance of the many essential elements in the soil. Furthermore, a plant’s needs vary at different stages in its lifecycle. For example, phosphorus is crucial to plant nutrition to promote the rapid root growth essential for establishing seedlings. Later it is necessary to aid flowering while also helping to withstand harsh weather and environmental stress.
While phosphorus is the main ingredient of suitable starter fertiliser, additional elements are essential to meet the seedlings’ immediate needs. Naturally, they require nitrogen and potassium. However, magnesium and sulphur and traces of the micronutrients zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum are also necessary at this stage. Chelation can help to ensure that zinc and copper are readily available for plant nutrition.
In South Africa, maize, sugarcane, and soya beans are among the most widely cultivated crops. Each has unique nutritional requirements, making it essential to choose the right fertiliser blend. For example, maize requires adequate nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, whilst sugarcane benefits from added micronutrients like zinc and copper.
Offering Crops a Healthy and Balanced Diet
Other mixtures with different elements in various concentrations may be necessary as the growing crop’s needs vary. Thus the best option for farmers is to follow a fertiliser application programme that best suits a given crop. When planting in previously uncultivated or well-used ground, it might pay to conduct a preliminary soil analysis. The results will indicate which elements may most need replenishing to create the ideal balance. Like humans, crops also require a balanced diet to remain healthy.
Kynoch offers farm visits, in-depth soil analysis and a wide range of fertilisers to cover every aspect of plant nutrition. We invite you to download the profile sheets for these leading products that may interest you.
In South Africa’s varied climate, soil analysis is crucial to determine nutrient deficiencies. Kynoch’s expert soil analysis services help farmers identify areas for improvement, ensuring optimal fertiliser application. Additionally, Kynoch’s range of fertilisers is designed to address specific regional needs, such as:
– High-phosphorus fertilisers for maize in acidic soils
– Zinc-enriched fertilisers for sugarcane in coastal regions
– Balanced NPK fertilisers for soya beans in dryland areas
By understanding the complex nutritional requirements of crops and addressing regional soil challenges, South African farmers can optimise yields, improve crop quality, and contribute to the country’s agricultural prosperity.
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